Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Sediment Sentiments

I've just returned from work back to my house that I rent with my best friend. My job requires that I work a lot of odd hours; both late and early. Where do I work, you may ask?

I'm currently employed at a trendy grocery store that prides itself on it's quality and low prices. If that doesn't narrow it down for you, then let me add that it sells many organic products.

Still not enough?

This store also emulates popular terms that are commonly used in reference when working on boats or at sea.

At the expense of not further embarrassing myself, I will not divulge the name. but hopefully you get the gist of it.

This job started as a means to an end --a way to earn money while my DUI case was being settled and to get my mother off my back as I looked for other jobs.

...Now, a year later, my Machiavellian standpoint has diminished and I've become a slave to the blue-collar working world. Well, maybe not a slave. At least I moved out. A captive would probably be a better description. Nothing like earning a Bachelor's in Psychology to put you on the right track.

The lesson here is do what you like. Never compromise. I should have majored in something I was good at and enjoyed like Art or English. Instead, I let my parents influence my choice and now I'm part of the growing chain of trendy grocery stores.


I'm so awesome, that I'm falling deeper into this void by being considered and trained into management.


I know it's easy and cliche to blame the parental units, but it is their fault. People say that there are two things that determine who someone is: Nature and Nurture. Nature, in this case would be the inherited genetic characteristics that I received from my parents. Nurture, would be the environment that my parents had suffocated me in. Both of these dichotomies are of the "not-my-fault" kind. Maybe adopted children have it easier because they can blame a lot more people. Their adoptive parents can be responsible for the poor upbringing and the real parents can be blamed for faulty genes.


The real lesson here is never have kids. They will always blame you for everything.

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